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About Me


I was a senior 3D artist at Frozenbyte. I have also been making my own games for over a decade.
I love all aspects of game development, but if I had to choose just one, it would definitely have to be level design.

I started learning 3D modeling with Blender around 2010, and quickly got into game development when I discovered Unity in the following years. I made a lot of small things that never saw the light of day, but some of those small things grew into larger things, and actually did release, such as
And So It Was and Plead with the Mountain God.

For most of my game development career I have considered myself an artist first, but recently, I've come to think of myself more as a designer. Level design is especially intriguing to me, as I highly value exploration (and secrets) in games, and adore games with intricate, well-flowing levels.

I'm also quite observant
(some would say picky) when it comes to UI and UX, and one day I'll make a YouTube channel about it. One day.

I enjoy creating, and a lot of my free time is spent on various personal projects. From video games to board games, from music to writing and
drawing, I'm always creating something.
When I'm not, I'm probably either studying Japanese, playing a game, or watching someone else play a game.

Extras and non-level design work:

Game art portfolio
Older game projects
Recent game projects

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